"I often wonder what goes on in that head of yours. Every idea must be like one of those bouncy super balls just ricocheting all over the place."

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I Left My Heart in Chicago

My post summarizing our cross-country trip is forthcoming, but for the moment, I'm consumed in Finance homework and happy hours. But with my spare moment, I thought that I would let everyone know that California has stolen a Chicago girl. In a matter of three days, I lost most of my roots to Chicago. I got a CA driver's license, registered my car in CA, bought CA car insurance, and converted all of my bank accounts. The only thing that still ties me to Chicago is my 847 cell phone number.

Fortunately, Law McGraw and I have Chicago posters and Cubs pennants hanging all over our apartment. I guess that California can officially claim me as one of its residents, but my heart is still in Chicago. My Midwestern roots are just way too deep.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

We're Here!

Law McGraw and I made it to Berkeley safe and sound on Thursday night. We've spent the past couple of days in Monterey, CA with his parents, and moved into our new place yesterday. Since we have minimal furniture and belongings until the movers come, we've been fairly bored. Luckily, the coffee shop near our place has free wifi and we're checking our email over here.

Anywho, I'll be doing a full update of our cross-country trip complete with pictures once we find the cord for the camera. In the meantime, I'll be savoring my last full day of freedom before the MBA adventure begins.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Greetings From Omaha!

Law McGraw and I started our westward adventure this morning, and we were able to make it to Omaha, Nebraska after a day of driving. The morning was eventful as our movers loaded up all of our belongings and we loaded up my clown car. After a tearful goodbye with my parents, we were off to explore everything and anything between Chicago and San Francisco.

Sadly, we have to admit that there hasn't been much so far. We spent most of the day crossing Illinois and Iowa, where almost everything outside of our window consisted of corn. Omaha itself has been fine. There are a bunch of restaurants and hotels, but we haven't done any other exploring.

We'll be off again in the morning. Hopefully, we'll make it to Denver in time for a Rockies game and some beers with my new classmates. I'll try to update with some pictures tomorrow!