So Close...
...yet still so far away.
I'm almost done with all of my business school applications. As of 5 minutes ago, I had submitted applications for Stanford and University of Chicago. I'm not sure why I really applied to either one of those schools. I feel like I have a 1 in a million chance of getting into either of those schools, but oh well, the fees have been paid and applications are on the way through the virtual network. My credit card and bank account are hurting a bit, but I guess that thos unemployment checks should slowly be surfacing soon. Plus, I still have my severance check coming.
Now I just have one more essay left for my Kellogg application. Then it's all over. Well, kinda. Now I have to fill out FAFSA forms and convince the government to give me lots of aid, since I'm unemployed.
But all in all, this process has definitely helped me grow a lot. I've done a lot of self-reflection and really pushed myself to expose my desires, interests, and hopes. Thankfully, UCLA wants all of that as part of their next MBA class.
Let's hope that more is in store for 2006! Happy New Year's Eve Eve everyone!
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