"I often wonder what goes on in that head of yours. Every idea must be like one of those bouncy super balls just ricocheting all over the place."

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Why Does the Eagle Hate Me?

Seriously, that soaring eagle mascot of the US Postal Service hates me. Or maybe it's just the postal service in general. In the past three months that I've been applying to business school, I've had numerous pieces of mail lost. First, it was 4 transcripts. Now, how a big envelope containing 4 transcripts gets lost between Evanston and Northbrook is a mystery to me. The two towns practically touch each other. Then, my GMAT scores got lost from New Jersey to Los Angeles. This is a bit more feasible seeing as they are on opposite coasts, but seriously, how can mail just get lost? It's been over 3 months and UCLA has yet to receive my scores. I'll bet that somewhere in Idaho, someone is reveling in the fact that Jody scored in the 99th percentile on the GMAT. Now, if that Idahoan happens to be reading this, please reseal that envelope and forward it to UCLA. My future may depend on it.

What boggles my mind even more is the fact that you have to take a test to be a postal worker. My dad's friend's son decided to become a postal worker (why I'm not exactly sure), and told my dad about this very lengthy test that he had to take. He was shown 20 addresses and had a couple of minutes to memorize them. From that, he had to write down every single address again. That's insane!!! Now, if our postal workers can pass tests like that, can't they manage to deliver my mail?


Blogger mct said...

Slightly unrelated, but anyway --

One of the moms in my ex-boyfriend's boy scout troop (yes, that's right) worked at the post office, and one day, she took us to the vault o' stamps. There were literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stamps. Sadly, I found it pretty cool.

7:21 PM

Blogger iy said...

my gmat scores got lost in the mail too. there's nothing you can do but send send and RESEND. fabulous ain't it?

10:09 PM


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