"I often wonder what goes on in that head of yours. Every idea must be like one of those bouncy super balls just ricocheting all over the place."

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Out of My Hands

Just a few minutes ago, I hit the Submit button for my UCLA Anderson application. That means that I'm done with all of my Round 1 applications. Ross, Haas, and Anderson are under my belt. I would have thought that a significant weight would have been lifted off of my shoulders, but instead, the complete opposite is true. I've started to have even more panic attacks every couple of seconds, wondering if my essays were good enough or if I picked the right topics to write about.

But I guess that this is the moment when I'm supposed to walk by faith. I need to believe that things will work out and that which ever school I get into will be the one that's right for me. There's nothing more that I can do anymore. I've hit submit and the schools have received everything that they need from me. All I can do is pray and cross my fingers that I'll get an acceptance.

Please let my faith grow.


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