Hot Diggity!!!
Redemption was mine today!!! I retook the GMAT and my scored improved by 70 points. Whoopppeee!!!! I scored in the 99th percentile, meaning that if I walked past 100 people on the street who had taken the GMATs, only one of them would have scored higher than me. I think that the most redeeming fact about all of this is the fact that I never ever have to take the GMATs again!!!! No more sentence correction or critical reasoning. No more reading boring passages about science or minority issues. But best of all, no more data sufficiency questions. I will admit, however, that I can now calculate the probability of flipping a coin 4 times and getting heads at least once. Hmmm....I wonder how I could use that to my advantage.
But in all seriousness, I know that I would have been able to do all this without the support of the people closest to me. So thanks to my parents, my brother, Law McGraw, and the countless friends who have provided me with words of encouragement on this long journey.
Sadly, the journey is not over yet. I now have about a month and a half to compose lots of essays. Don't these schools realize how difficult it is to express your most significant acheivement in 250 words or less? Come on, most of my emails about nothing are at least 500 words. In fact, I'm pretty sure that this blog entry is way more than 250 words. Things would be so much easier if I weren't so verbose.
While I go out and celebrate my GMAT score, I'll leave all of you with a picture of where I'd like to be next year...

congrats, jody! (and happy belated birthday!) i know you'll be on your way to cal/stanford within the year. poor chicago boys, no more estrogen for them!
and now while i walk thru mich, i get to say "jody can beat you on the GMAT, and you, and you -- er, maybe not you -- but definitely you, and you, and you..."
10:06 PM
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