"I often wonder what goes on in that head of yours. Every idea must be like one of those bouncy super balls just ricocheting all over the place."

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I Will Overcome You...

...and let the stress begin to ebb.

I've been extremely stressed out for the past couple of weeks due to the upcoming GMATs. It's gotten to the point where I've been extremely tense and have lashed out at people who don't deserve it at all. Mainly my parents and my brother. I don't remember being stressed out for the SATs or the ACTs. I know that a lot of it comes from the fact that I've been putting so much pressure on myself to do well on this test.

Today, I finally realized that I had completely lost focus of what I was doing. Sure, who doesn't want to go to HBS or Kellogg? Those are once-in-a-lifetime chances. But it doesn't mean that life ends just because I don't get in to one of those schools. Over the past couple of days, I've received numerous emails and phone calls from people wishing me luck. I realized that I have a great group of friends who are supporting me and wishing the best for me. And I can't seem to thank all of you enough. Especially a certain Harvard Econ grad student who wrote me quite the lengthy catch-up-on-the-past-6-months-of-my-life email.

I reread the graduation speech that Steve Jobs gave at the Stanford Commencement. I realized that as long as I have passion and faith, I'll do just fine in this crazy journey. It doesn't matter where that b-school diploma is from. I just need to keep that passion burning in my heart and have faith that everything will work out.


Blogger lostpancake said...

Good luck - and keep the faith that things will work out.

11:00 PM


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