"I often wonder what goes on in that head of yours. Every idea must be like one of those bouncy super balls just ricocheting all over the place."

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I Hate Chicago

Even though I've lived here for 25 years, I'll admit that I'm starting to get sick of this place. Just 4 days ago, I was sitting in a park in San Francisco with a t-shirt and jeans on and I was actually warm. And now, I'm in a turtleneck sweater with a long wool coat and it's snowing outside. I used to think that I would miss the snow if I moved away and that the Chicago weather made the Midwesterners tougher. Obviously, I was on crack. I'm looking forward to the days of warm weather and the lack of owning enough sweaters for an army.

Aside from the cold weather, I hate Mayor Daley. Because of him and his retarded city, my car was towed this morning. I was parked in a rush hour zone which stated that towing would start at 7am. I literally got out to my car at 7:02am and the dude had just started putting my car onto the tow truck. I pleaded, I begged, I even offered cash on the spot. No luck. $210 later and an hour late for work, I finally had my car back. Well, to Mayor Daley and all your minions that run this city, I hope that karma catches up with you. Even better, I hope you enjoy the flames of the afterlife.


Blogger I am large, I contain multitudes said...

Excellent points. But try buying a home in SF that's a short commute from the business district for less than $600/sq. ft.

8:57 AM

Blogger mct said...

That's funny because this summer I found myself (1) cursing San Francisco for making me wear a fleece on July 8th and (2) cursing the city planners for their short stubby curbs and my Camry's resulting homelessness.

I guess it's all relative. While you're in cold weather with trigger-happy tow trucks, I'm in 83-degree weather where street parking abounds.

The San Francisco scenery is magnificent though.

2:55 PM


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