Hotlanta Hotties!
This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to attend the wedding of two of my close friends from college, Nancy and Caleb. It was my first time to Hotlanta, and I guess that I enjoyed what I saw. Better than the city was just the time I got to spend with old college friends. It was weird to see that everyone had grown up so much. Seven years ago, we all met in the hallways of dorms in Evanston. The big discussions back then were our hometowns, our majors, and where the next party was located. But this past weekend, those discussions were all different. We had all grown up so much. Almost all of my friends from college are either married or engaged. What once was a conversation about which dorm or what end of campus we lived on had now become a talk about buying homes and planning weddings. Once upon a time, a discussion about buying a home or getting married would have freaked me out. I would have immediately run away from that talk. But I realized after this weekend that I had also grown up. For the first time, the idea of marriage and settling down didn't seem so scary anymore. That's not to say that I'm going to get married tomorrow, but I can imagine myself doing it at some point down the road.
I must admit that the best part of the weekend was hanging out with my old Kemper roommates, or Kemper whores as we often were referred to. (Note to all: We're not actually whores. There's a long story behind the name, but it has to do with the first floor of Elder Hall.) It's not everyday that I get to hang out with these girls since we live in different cities and have numerous things going on in our lives. I had somewhat forgotten why it was that I enjoyed being friends with them. Whether it was stuffing our faces with meals and desserts, shopping in Decatur, or trying to accomplish the impossible of getting ready for a wedding, I loved every moment that I spent with these girls over the weekend. It's these moments that I will cherish forever.
To the Brennemans, congratulations and I wish you the best of luck in your life together. Caleb, you're now a "real" member of the Kemper whores. :)