I've been somewhat MIA for the past couple of weeks. Mainly, I've been trying to balance my personal life and my professional life. At work, there's always a fire that needs to be put out in the dialysis world and that keeps me very busy on the weekdays. On the weeknights, I've been trying to brush up on sentence correction and critical reasoning skills. It's amazing how much of the English language I seem to have forgotten; despite the fact that I speak it every day. On the weekends, I try to catch up with friends and spend as much time with Law McGraw as he can handle. Kidding, kidding. The boy actually humors me very well and puts up with my crazy ideas all the time.
Below, you'll see a picture of my personal and professional lives crashing somewhere in Europe. Newton, a very prominent figure in the dialysis world, was sent off to spend almost two weeks in Prague, Berlin, and Copenhagen with Law McGraw. Now, imagine a young innocent owl who normally pops up in the dialysis world at conferences to promote hemodialysis. Some may call him a night owl, but he rarely parties and never inhales. His poor little lungs just don't work as well as human ones. (That's according to a soon-to-be MD.) Two weeks in Europe and Newton is a changed man owl (or is that mowl?). He's become a Marlboro man and a beer-guzzling wench all in one fell swoop. Pretty soon, he'll be hanging out at the neighborhood Hooters.

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