Still Alive...But Barely
So I've been bombarded by people about my lack of updating this thing. It's not that nothing is going on in my life. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Too much is currently going on in my life. For the past month, I've been juggling new classes, new classmates, and new career choices. It's been quite a juggle, but I'm slowly getting used to it. There were moments when I wondered what I was doing here. Do I really need an MBA? But with every career presentation I go to and class that I attend, I realize that this is where I want to be. In addition, my classmates are awesome. I've found several people that I really like hanging out with, and their backgrounds are so cool. One of my good friends worked in the Executive Office of the President and did economic policy for Bush. Another one of my friends ran campaigns for senators and governors. How cool is that?
But aside from school, I've been preoccupied with some very happy Hom news. My brother is getting married!!! Woo hoo! It came as a bit of a shocker for me and my parents, but we're more than happy for him. Congrats to Ben and Amy! Their wedding is September of 2007 in Boston, so it should be a lot of fun. I only wish that I was closer to home so that I could see the two of them more often.
So anyone that's around in Chicago, stop by and congratulate them! Or better yet, send them an email.