I'm in love...
...with the Haas School of Business.
I just came home from an informational session about the Berkeley Haas School of Business, and I'm honestly in love. Hearing current students and the alums talk about their experiences there made me realize just how much I want to be there next year. I had the opportunity to speak with a current MBA/MPH student and he honestly made me want to cry thinking about how happy I would be if I was accepted. The program is exactly what I want out of an MBA and it's situated in the greatest area in the world for healthcare. Seriously, this Victor guy that I was talking to has essentially the same career path as me. Engineer by trade, but aspiring healthcare consultant by desire. He's landed a job as a healthcare strategy consultant at BCG and he knows that it's because he has an MBA/MPH. I'm him, but just several years younger and so much prettier.
I feel like I've never wanted anything more than this. Not even when I wanted that undergrad acceptance to Stanford. Here's hoping that a higher, divine being also has plans for me at Haas next year.