I Don't Need to Buy Any Cats...
...because I'm engaged!
"I often wonder what goes on in that head of yours. Every idea must be like one of those bouncy super balls just ricocheting all over the place."
I should be working on a strategy midterm right now, and I should be writing an ethics paper. But instead, I figured that I would write a blog entry. Why can't they grade me on this instead?
After living in the Bay Area for the past 7 months, I can finally say that I'm a true California girl. At 8:40pm PST tonight, I felt my first earthquake. The news reported that it was a 4.3 on the Richter scale, but as this Midwestern girl will tell you, it felt a lot stronger than that. I saw my entire apartment sway from side to side for about 15 seconds, and some of my belongings even shifted. Now I know why there are no skyscrapers out here.
Despite the rain, I spent the weekend down in Pebble Beach at the Pro-Am Tournament. As we can all see, my ability to do schoolwork is fairly non-existent this semester, which is somewhat of a problem, because there's so much of it this time around.
I made the big switch today and became what I never wanted to become -- a corporate whore. Not that I wasn't a corporate whore back in the day, but today, I bought a PDA/Smartphone. Back in the day when I was working, my company bought us all Palm Pilots. Then at my next job, we were all given Blackberrys. Mine never left my desk. But now, I actually went out and bou
So I found out today that the company I worked at straight out of undergrad has closed its doors. Bankruptcy. None of the remaining workers get to keep their jobs. Not even a Chapter 11 "reorganization" filing, but a Chapter 7 "we're done -- throw the towel in" filing.