"I often wonder what goes on in that head of yours. Every idea must be like one of those bouncy super balls just ricocheting all over the place."

Friday, November 26, 2004

The Wizard of Northbrook

Apparently I've caved and decided to join the blog bandwagon. For those of you who know me best, you know that I don't like things that are mainstream, but I guess that this is different. I recently came across an old journal and realized how much I missed writing down all my thoughts and ideas. Maybe it's that "wanted-to-be-a-Medildo" side of me coming out.

Happy Black Friday! It's the day after Thanksgiving, and I must admit that I was not brave enough to hit the malls today. There's something about fighting everyone else in the city of Chicago for that one $10 wireless router that just doesn't appeal to me. So instead, I stayed in at my parents' house and gorged myself on Thanksgiving leftovers. In addition, I watched oodles and oodles of cable. It's slightly sickening to stuff your face and watch specials about food at the same time. Some might be ill by that idea, but luckily, not me.

After all these years of not living with my parents, I must admit that I miss it. It's nice to be back at the home where you grew up and very little has changed. Sure, there's a new TV or a new bathroom, but it's still pretty much the same. And no one can deny that it's nice to have parents to dote on you and to constantly feed you.

I used to think that my parents and I would never get along, because our generation gap was just too large. They were just a little bit too conservative, and I was just a bit too liberal. But despite all our differences, we've managed to get along much better now that I'm older. They're slowly starting to realize that I'm different from them. I'm not that traditional daughter who's going to get married and to live my life in the shadow of my husband. My family is starting to realize that I'm strong, independent, and determined.

So I guess Dorothy was right, there is no place like home.


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